This is the fourth edition of our Iron Chef Collection Exclusives Episodes of the Month. Of course, this is where we present to you Iron Chef episodes that did not air on Food Network. Today, we present our Episodes of the Month for October. Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll. The voting was very close this month with the top three episodes all receiving 15 votes.
- Milk (529) – Sakai vs. Toyoshima – The challenger was sent by Club Mistral. The presentation of this theme ingredient seems to be pretty standard until they walk the cows into Kitchen Stadium. That’s right. They actually bring two cows in, and the chefs are given a chance to milk them. (Unfortunately, this episode is missing a large portion of the tasting. All cooking segments and the announcement of the winner is intact. I apologize for not having a better copy to present to you.)
- Spare Rib (539) – Chen vs. Nagasaka – I didn’t really understand any of his intro. I think perhaps he was a French chef but now is a Chinese chef. (Any help would be appreciated.)
- Chestnut (541) – Kobe vs. Seki – It is the Prince of Pasta vs. the Prince of Chinese cuisine.
As always, these episodes are presented as they originally aired on Fuji television in Japan. All episodes include all breaks and commercials. The episodes are in Japanese with no subtitles.
The following episodes may be found by searching our video database: Milk (529OA), Spare Rib (539OA), Chestnut (541OA)
Sung to the tune of the Veggie Tales Theme Song:
If you like to cook with tomatoes. If baked squash can make you smile.
If you like to mash your potatoes. With the Tetsujin’s great style. Have we got a show for you.
Iron Che-e-ef. Iron Che-e-ef. Iron Che-e-ef. Iron Che-e-ef.
Iron Che-e-ef. Iron Che-e-ef. Iron Che-e-ef. Iron Chef.
Kobe’s dash. Chefs will clash. Kaga’s flash. Iron Chef.
Circle mold. Chen is bold. Kishi’s old. Iron Chef.
Fish filets. Woks ablaze. BDJs. Iron Chef.
There’s never ever ever ever ever been a show like Iron Chef.
There’s never ever ever ever ever been a show like Iron Chef.
It’s time for Iron Chef.
If it wasn’t obvious yet, our theme for this week’s Episodes of the Week is vegetables. Enjoy.
- Chinese Cabbage (304) – Chen vs. Oidate – The challenger is an expert in Chinese medicinal cuisine.
- Soy Bean (306) – Chen vs. Urabe – The challenger is a female chef fully endorsed by Kandagawa.
- Onion (322) – Sakai vs. Omiya – The challenger owns one of the top three diners in Japan.
- Tomato (714) – Kobe vs. Canzoniere – The challenger is a Roman cuisine specialist.
- Bean Sprout (717) – Chen vs. Okubo – The challenger is the third one sent in by the Kihachi Group.
The following episodes may be found in the video database:
New in the database this week: 304, 306, 322, 714, 717
Next week, we’ll be back with the ICC Exclusives additions for October. Don’t forget to vote in the poll on the left side of the screen beneath the blogroll.
I couldn’t decide which fish movie to use for this post. I decided to go with the one I had seen most recently. The most recent film released in Japan by the great Hayao Miyazaki is called Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Gake no ue no Ponyo/Ponyo on the Cliff). Chairman Kaga would be pleased that this title of this movie seemed to fit so well into the theme of this week’s Episodes of the Week. All of our episode this week feature fish. Don’t worry. There were no signs of Ponyo or Nemo being cooked during these battles.
- Salmon (335) – Sakai vs. Bruant – The challenger was part of the first tag team battle in Kitchen Stadium. Now he is back on his own to challenge Sakai again.
- Cod (702) – Sakai vs. Kamimura – The challenger is a rice connoisseur from Niigata, an area known for its rice and sake.
- Sturgeon (708) – Chen vs. Asou – The challenger is endorsed by French legend Pierre Troisgros. The theme ingredient is especially lively. It’s a rather bloody preparation. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
- Angler (711) – Morimoto vs. Masahara – The challenger is the fourth challenger sent to Kitchen Stadium from the Ohta Faction.
- Sea Bass (733) – Morimoto vs. Shigematsu – This challenger is the final challenger in Kitchen Stadium.
The following episodes may be found by searching our video database:
New in the database this week: 335, 702, 708, 711, 733
And I couldn’t make a Ponyo post without including a link to the
little girl singing the theme song. You will have this song stuck in your head for a few days. And if not, you’ll have the pure cuteness of Ohshima Nozomi stuck in your head. 🙂
Nakamura vs. Suzuki
Originally aired 3/1/96
Iron Chef, the Official Book episode# 121
Iron Chef Collection episode# 410
Rokusaburo Michiba retired as an Iron Chef on January 3, 1996. “I,” Michiba told the Chairman, “will take responsibility for finding the man who will take my place.” Thus it is that, two months later, Michiba introduces Komei Nakamura.
“Choosing the right challenger for his debut match was no easy task,” Kaga explains. But he did find one. Club des Trentes member Kiyoshi Suzuki first stepped into the world of French cooking at age 19, in 1966. From 1971 to 1980, he worked at 24 top-class French restaurants in France. From 1980-86, he oversaw the kitchen of l’orangerie de Paris. In 1986, he opened his own restaurant, Auberge de Suzuki, Tokyo.
Prior to the main action, we are shown Michiba’s cooking outfit, on display under glass. As Fukui-san explains, it “has been retired, and shall hang in the Stadium forever.”
On the commentary panel are actor Ken Tanaka, Sachiyo Nomura, and Dr. Yukio Hattori.
Kitchen Stadium Board
10 October, 2008
This idiomatic phrase was first used by none other than William Shakespeare in The Merry Wives of Windsor. And if the world is not your oyster, then at least Kitchen Stadium is this week. This week’s Episodes of the Week feature two battles with oysters as the theme ingredient and two battles featuring a fellow bivalve, the clam.
- Clam (316) – Sakai vs. Santo – The challenger heads a restaurant famous among Japan’s artists and writers.
- Clam (334) – Chen vs Takemasa – The challenger is a female chef that trained under Kandagawa.
- Oyster (348) – Sakai vs. Groult – The challenger is the youngest ever winner of the MOF, the most prestigious award for chefs in France.
- Asura Oyster (707) – Sakai vs. Semba – The Circle Mold vs. The Circle of Life (Semba. Simba. Get it? 🙂 ) Anyway, the challenger is a trendsetter in Kyoto cuisine.
The following episodes may be found by searching our video database:
New in the database this week: 334, 348, 707