My Mayuko Takata love continues with yet another addition to Beyond Kitchen Stadium featuring my favorite Iron Chef judge of all time. This video is an episode of Mago Mago Arashi that originally aired in Japan on 6/2/2007.
This episode features two members of the Japanese singing group Arashi trying to take vegetables and cook them in such a way that a pair of picky eater children will eat them. Their guest is Mayuko Takata. The parents of the children tell the guys that their kids don’t like carrots, peppers, or eggplant. Their challenge is to make dishes with those ingredients that the kids will eat and enjoy. Takata offers some cooking tips to the boys, but her biggest contribution is showing off her mothering skills and getting the crying little girl to take a nap. (And we get to see a side of Takata we never saw on Iron Chef when the boys keep trying to use the blender when the girls are sleeping. I wouldn’t mess with her if I were there.)
This video is in Japanese with no subtitles, but it is still a fun watch.
This video, along with many others, may be found in our Beyond Kitchen Stadium section.
5 September, 2008
This journey Beyond Kitchen Stadium takes us to the world of Japanese idols. Not the kind that Indiana Jones goes after, but entertainment idols. This clip comes from the television show Hello! Morning. We get to see the girls of Mini Moni, including Nozomi Tsuji, do battle to see who is the best. (Hopefully, you remember Tsuji from the BKS videos with Tenmei Kano and Kandagawa and Shu. If not, go watch them now.)
Tsuji Nozomi, Kago Ai, and Morning Musume member Konno Asami face off in a Cake Battle. It is more of a dessert assembly battle than a cooking battle, but it is still fun to watch. See the girls make kitchen blunders. See the girls use ingredients that have no business being anywhere near a cake (mayonnaise and what I think is squid, to be specific). See Tsuji and Kago at their “Top Two” best. The clip is in Japanese with no subtitles.
This video, along with all of our Beyond Kitchen Stadium videos, can be found in our file database.