Iron Chef Fans:
Welcome to 2020: a brand new decade awaits! One of the greatest things about having the decade in front of us is the opportunity to imagine the possibilities, discover the potential, and come together to make something incredible, bold, and new. I’m excited to confirm our new web address: Please remember to change your favorites and bookmarks settings! For your convenience, we’re working to forward the previous site here so that those who visit years down the road will be sent to this address automatically – expect this upgrade within the next week.
We are still working to get the video links restored: we’ll be making a decision on hosting soon and let you know as soon as it’s uploading. Sadly, it’s much slower to upload things than delete, so it will take some time, even once the payment is in.
Lastly, we will have some interactive posts coming up soon – I’ll be putting some questions up and asking you to share your thoughts with me through the posts’ comments section! I look forward to reaching out to you over the next several months and learning more about your favorite and most memorable Iron Chef episodes, trivia, and experiences!
Happy New Year 2020, everyone!
Scott Richardson
1 January, 2020