At the beginning of the year, this Iron Chef Fans website was in a different place and so were we as fans. It is no exaggeration to say that weeks after my last post on this site, the entire world went through a massive shift and everyone across the globe finds themselves impacted in one way or another. I hope that this message finds you all healthy and safe during this time.
Everyone is dealing with the impact of the pandemic to their jobs, their way of life, and television personalities are no different! Where some have chosen simple seclusion, others have focused on their social media, working their way through a backlog of fan emails to connect with their audience and keep them engaged.
I’m going to compile a list of your questions and send them to people associated with the Iron Chef shows – could be a guest chef, one of the Iron Chefs, commentators, guests, judges… Post your questions and who they are addressed to as a comment on this post and we will put your requests together and send an email! We’ll try to find contact information for your addressee – if you can help us find that and post it in the comment, it would be greatly appreciated! Any replies from these impromptu interviews will be posted here under a new “Interviews” section for your enjoyment!
Let’s see what you’re curious about! Who would you like to hear from and what would you like to know?
Stay safe and healthy!
Scott Richardson
16 May, 2020